Rose Marasco: New York City Pinhole Photographs
April 3 - May 3, 2014

Times Square photograph
Father Duffy Square
December 9, 2011

Photo of street in NYC with movement
Broadway near Houston Street
October 23, 2011

Photo of Wall Street with statue and two figures
Federal Hall, 26 Wall Street
May 11, 2010

Lincoln Center with fog from fountain
Lincoln Center
March 30, 2013

Bowery with pole in foreground
Bowery between Stanton and Rivington
October 23, 2011

Fish Market, Mott Street between Hester and Grand
Fish Market, Mott Street between Hester and Grand
June 8, 2012

Zuccotti Park during Occupy Wall Street
Zuccotti Park—Occupy Wall Street, No. 1
October 15, 2012

View of Manhattan through chain barrier on bridge
Manhattan Bridge
May 18, 2011

Flatiron building
Flatiron, Fifth Avenue and 23rd Street
May 13, 2010

View of buildings from the Highline with shadows of people
End of the Highline
November 2, 2011